Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Here we go .....

Welcome to the new Michael Singer Fine Woodworking blog. Many who know me may be surprised to see this, as I've been known to say some rather disparaging things about social media. But hey, its a new year, a new decade, and maybe time for a new attitude.

For some time now, I've tried to keep clients informed of the progress of commissioned pieces as they make their way from the page to real life. Until now, that communication has been mostly via email, sending photos from the shop to let them know how things are progressing with their piece. My aim with this blog is to provide clients with a way to track the progress with their piece at any time online. It also provides a golden opportunity to inform and educate the public about what goes into the making of a piece of fine furniture. Shedding light on the process is a great way to give both the client and anyone else who's interested an ongoing demonstration of how a piece is made, hopefully resulting in a better appreciation for the difference between hand-made furniture and the mass-produced stuff available at most retail stores.

So, to that end, a blog. I'll be posting information and photos about current and recent projects as they make their way through the shop. I'll also post updates about upcoming shows and other events. Feel free to browse and post comments or questions - I'll do my best to respond as I'm able. Please feel free to check out my website to see examples of my work.


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