Thursday, March 10, 2016

New Work by Andrew Pitts

Snowflakes ... a new blanket chest for the season

Cherry, red cedar, tulip poplar
Milk Paint and Shellac Polish Finish

36"H x 51"W x 20"D

Enjoy the festive spirit of the season all year long with snowflake carvings in the tulip poplar front and back, highlighted in white milk paint on a background of bayberry green contrasting nicely with the bookmatched cherry crotch on the ends and the cherry legs. The gently curved hardwood laminations are from local Chesapeake Bay trees that have fallen in storms or were dying and given new life. The finely finished shellac polish on the cherry is a joy to touch. Open the blanket chest on its fine brass hardware and take in the soothing aroma of the red cedar laminations on the inner walls. A wonderful piece that will bring years of joy to a home!

This piece will be in the window of the Studio Gallery, Kilmarnock, VA
30 November thru 2 Januar

Please visit Andrew's gallery on Fine Wood Artists to see more

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