Thursday, March 10, 2016

Q & A with John McAbery

John is a talented wood sculptor living on the rugged coast of Northern California. We asked him a few questions about his work.

What is your favorite wood to work with and why?
California Bay Laurel (it masquerades as Myrtle in Oregon) is my favorite wood to work with because it has an interlocking grain which makes it possible to create very thin pieces.  The wood has strong grain definition and has a variety of colors.
Do you have a favorite tree?
I'd have to say that Madrone (Arbutus in your neighborhood) is my favorite tree.  I'd love to work with it but it checks violently when it is cut into.  I did manage to create one sculpture out of it and a couple of spoons, but most of my attempts to work with it have ended up in the wood stove.
What piece have you created from wood are you most proud of and why? What was the hardest piece you ever made from wood?
My sculpture titled "Whelk" on the Previuos Works page of my website is the piece that I most proud of because It was radically different from anything I had done before and probably the most difficult piece I ever attempted. When I started it, I was almost positive that I would never complete it, but it came out perfectly.
Where do you get your inspiration and ideas?
From my enviroment.  "The coast is alive, full of magic, music and motion.  Some of that is bound to show up in my work."
More of John's work can be seen in his gallery-

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