Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Renee Taylor Gallery

Well, it was an interesting journey over mountains and through deserts, but the Gallery display cases made it to Arizona all in one piece - a minor miracle, given the state of the highway system (nothing will give you a new perspective on the state of America's road conditions like being stuck in the right lane in a giant truck with rock-hard suspension for 800 miles!).

The installation went smoothly, thanks to the excellent help of my friend Jeff Hagar - I couldn't have done it without him (stay tuned one of these days for the blog posts of the bathroom remodel he earned!).

Here are some shots of the space - if you find yourselves in Sedona, I encourage you to drop by the Vue Gallery and check out the great space, great art, and some very spiffy display cases, if I do say so myself!

The "before" shot of the space.

Cabinets everywhere!

The final result.

The front set of cabinets, as you walk in the door.

The rear set of cabinets in the interior of the gallery. Notice the great soffit design feature the owners put in that directly mirrors the foot print of the display cases. Their builders were in making templates directly from the cases the day I left.

Fifteen feet of storage cabinets behind the counter.

Another view of the cases showing the waveform accenting on the case fronts, as well as the light soffit above.

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